Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

We had such a great Halloween weekend.  It was seriously a whole weekend event.  On Friday night there was trick or treating along Main St.  This was super PACKED but a ton of fun also. It was a lot of fun to see all the different costumes.  Saturday we went to a school carnival which turned out to be kindof a disapointment but thats okay.  Right before we were headed out to go trick or treating in the neighborhood it started raining....then snowing!! We were sure that had ruined the evening and just as we were going to pull out the craft box it cleared up just enough. So with just a drizzle outside we put on our heavy coats and boots and hats and gloves and got on the 4-wheeler and headed trick or treating. It was so much fun! Then Sunday we had family over for taco soup and treats and the girls passed out candy to all the trick or treaters that came that night.  We watched Charlie Brown and stayed in where it was warm!  This year Kyleigh was 'pumpkin spice' and Kaycie was a fairy. Little Ledger was a peapod.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Little Ledger

We love him so much! He has been such a good baby.  Just over the passed weekend we had a tiny scare. I had come down with broncitis and was feeling pretty crappy.  I was so worried that Ledger would get it after all we are together all day! He started throwing up more frequently and acting very uncomfortable.  I felt so bad for him.  We took him into the ER to get checked out and they ended up admitting him. After running some tests and watching him over night we were released the next day.  They aren't 100% sure what is going on but we are trying him on some acid reflux medicine. The girls had this so I am pretty familuar. If he does good on this then we will know.  If not then we will have to check some other things out.  So far he seems to be doing pretty good on it.  He has his moments where he will still grunt and scrunch his whole body up like he is in pain.  So we will see what happens in the next week or so.  Also I am off dairy for at least 2 weeks.  Maybe that will help him too.  I sure hope so!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Trip to Cedar City!

We went down to Cedar City for the weekend to see family and friends and to give Stephanie a baby shower that Amanda and I have been planning for awhile. It was so much fun but we really didnt have enough time in a day to do everything and see everybody! Gosh, we missed everyone so much!

Ledger met his Great-Grandpa Johnson and loved him! He and Wyatt wore their matching jammies over to Grandpa's shop to hang out, it was too cute!

Steph's shower was a lot of fun. We didn't have as many people show up as we would have liked but it was way fun anyway! We played some fun games and had some good chats. We are so excited for baby Charlotte to arrive in December!!

One of the games was 'bobbing for nipples' haha it was too funny!
The kiddos even enjoyed that game!

Kaycie got to spend some time with her BFF Ellie while we were in Cedar. They spent the entire weekend together. They are so cute!

Friday, October 15, 2010

2010 School Year

We just got the girls school pictures back and they turned out so cute!!! I can't believe how big they are getting. This year Kyleigh is in the 4th grade!!! And Kaycie is in the 2nd! It's hard to believe that when I send Ledger off to Kindergarden Kyleigh will start high school and Kaycie will start middle school!! That will be a rough day haha...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ledgers blessing weekend

This weekend was AWESOME! I had tons of family in town which is always fun huh! :) The blessing was so amazing. Justin blessed Ledger and we had his Dad Ted, Grandpa Keyes, Brother Jonathan, my brother Travis, Uncle Eric and his grandpa Clark stand in. After we had spaghetti at our house with everyone and their families and there was over 50 people in our house! Don't ask how we managed that one but we ended up getting everyone fed at least. I was so mad and I'm still kicking myself for it but I didn't take any...ANY pictures of the day. I guess it was just too crazy! I wanted a pic of Ledger w/ all the guys...nope I forgot! Oh well I guess I will get one someday....

On the Saturday before the blessing some of us got together and went over to Bear River State Park for a picnic. It was fun watching the kids run around and catch tadpoles and see the elk!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

He's here!!!

He is here and made is appearance a month early! Ledger Allen Keyes was born on Sept 2nd! He was 6 lbs and 7 oz and 19.25 inches long! Not bad for a premie! He is doing EXCELLENT and we love him sooo much! The girls were so excited to meet their new baby brother. Its been a long pregnancy and I really just can't wait to feel normal again. He is so awesome!

He is here and made is appearance a month early! Ledger Allen Keyes was born on Sept 2nd! He was 6 lbs and 7 oz and 19.25 inches long! Not bad for a premie! He is doing EXCELLENT and we love him sooo much! The girls were so excited to meet their new baby brother. Its been a long pregnancy and I really just can't wait to feel normal again.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Family Reunion at the Lake!

We had a BLAST at the lake! Over the weekend we had a family reunion at the Flaming Gorge. We camped, boated and hung out with tons of family. It was a great weekend! We took the dogs again and Hank was a little afraid of the GIANT mass of water that he isn't used to so we buckled him up in one of the girls life jackets and he did fine after that when he figured out he could float haha. Kaycie decided she wanted to give tubing a second try (last year was a horrible incident) and she was so brave and did great! She even gave water skiing a try with Justin as the instructor. Maybe next year I'll have to give it a try now!

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Well we're off to Wyoming and saying goodbye to Utah! Justin got a great job teaching at one of the schools and so we're packin up and movin on! We are really excited to start our next chapter but really sad to leave Cedar at the same time. We will miss our friends and family so much! At least we aren't that far away! I must say there is nothing quite like moving when you are almost 7 months pregnant! I just hope we can get everything unpacked and ready before the baby arrives!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Happy Birthday to my sweet Kaycie

My sweet Kaycie turned 7 today! I can't believe it! She is such an amazing girl! She is so weet and considerate of others. Kaycie has been wanting an American Girl Bitty baby since she got her first American Girl doll for Christmas and we made sure it was the last thing that she opened (of course) and she just squealed when she saw it! She had a lovely party with her closest friends and some family there. Every year I send treats and flowers to the girls class for their birthday. They always really look forward to that!! Its going to be really hard for Kaycie when we move to Wyoming because she has such wonderful friends here in Cedar City. Happy Birthday Kaycie girl we LOVE YOU!!!!