Friday, August 31, 2007

Article Link on Travis

Travis has been on the news and in the newspapers quite a bit since the accident. But with almost a year since the accident most of the articles are a little hard to bring up without some searching. This one was sent to me though. Its a compilation of different articles posted.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Update: Travis is out of bed!

So, Travis finally had a good day today! He was able to get out of bed! The physical therapists helped him sit at the side of the bed with his feet dangling, then stand up on his left leg, pivot, then sit in the chair! We were then able to take him outside, play some WII (bowling, I kicked his butt!) and watch some TV in the family room! Overall, he was out of bed for 4 hours! He was sure exhausted after and slept the rest of the day :)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Update: Travis will have Surgery again.

Travis is having surgery on Tuesday. They are going in to wash out his hip again because he has such a bad infection. They are also going to remove one of his screws that is in his pelvis because it is a cause of infection. He should be fine with it out. His pelvis is very stable, and the bone is grown together nicely. The reason for this surgery is so Travis can get on the road to getting a new hip. He is still in so much pain, and the docs believe the only thing that will help it is a new hip. It is just like a hip surgery for someone with severe arthitis. This probably won't happen for another year, but Travis has to not have any infection in that hip for a while.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Update! Out of ICU!!

Travis got out of the ICU yesterday! The Ketamine drip worked for him. His pain level has been sitting at a 3 out of 10 instead of a 6 out of 10! He still hurts when he does physical therapy, but hey, that's normal! He sat at the edge of his bed today as well, with help of course. Tomorrow he is transfering into a cardiac chair and going to physical therapy in the gym! I think it will be a great leap for him. His nerve damage is still sever in his right leg, but there are great physical therapists that are helping him.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Update: Travis back in ICU

Travis had to go to the ICU today for his pain. It was so bad that he has to get a Ketamine drip. Ketamine is a very powerful medicine that can reset his pain receptors so they will not feel as much pain. This way, his medicine will actually help his pain. This will only be a few days, and the effects of Ketamine should last a while. Please keep him in your prayers tonight. And remember, roll with the punches life gives you!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Update: Travis got a cardiac wheelchair

Travis has been able to finally get out of bed, but not out of the room. For physical therapy he is getting on a tilt table that they wheel into his room. Travis is transported to the tilt table, laying down, strapped in, and the tilt table slowly makes him slowly stand up. He has been doing so well with it. He stood up to 65 degree yesterday for 15 minutes! The highest they let them stand with the tilt table is 70 degrees, so Travis is almost there! Hopefully next week they will help him sit at the edge of his bed and get onto a cardiac chair (a bed like chair that assists him in sitting up). He is feeling better now that he is moving more, and is starting to come down on his pain meds! I know that all your thoughts and prayers are being heard, and Travis does have the strength to get through this!

Update: Trav went outside today!

Here is an update from Stephanie:

Hey all, I thought something happy would cheer everyone up! Travis has been getting into his wheelchair almost every day! It is a wonderful sight to see. I could never imagine being able to push him around the hospital! Yesterday, we went to a BBQ outside, but it was very crowded, so that was a little hard on him. But Maddy LOVES to have daddy in his wheelchair! She is so happy when he is up and just wants to sit on his lap the entire time! After 7 months, he is making noticeable progress! God works in wonderfully, mysterious ways.I just wanted to say thank you all for your continuous love and support. We miss you all, and can't wait to come home! Love, Steph

Thursday, August 2, 2007