Sunday, August 30, 2009

First Day of School!!!

The first day of school went pretty well....the girls picked out their own outfits but not without some major debates first! How do you choose?? I took my niece Maddy with me to drop them off so I didn't have to leave empty-handed. Kaycie is now in the first grade!! Kinder was a little easier because I still had her with me most of the day! Kyleigh is now in the 3rd grade! I can't believe how fast time flies! They are getting so big.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Trip to Wyoming

We went up to Evanston to visit Justin's family and took Maddy along for the trip. We had a lot of fun they got to spend lots of time playing with Kori and Kaitlin. They all play so well together! We took a fun little nature walk. Here are a few pics from that...