Thursday, December 24, 2009

American Girl Doll Surprise!!

On Christmas Eve Kyleigh, Kaycie and their cousin Maddy were surprised with an American Girl Doll from Grandma & Great Grandma Johnson. They were so excited!! They have wanted one so bad!!! I loved their expressions :)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Trip to Temple Square

We went with Justins parents Ted & Dianne, his sister Jowell and her two girls Kori and Kaitlin and my brother Travis, Steph and Maddy to Salt Lake City to see Temple Square and all the lights. It was beautiful and the girls loved it!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Family photos!

We went up the Mountain and had some pics taken finally! We also took some family shots of Cody and Jessica. We love how they all turned out. It was fun to go up for the day with family. It was really too cold to stay that long or do anything but take pictures though! Here is just a few we like...