Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

We had such a great Halloween weekend.  It was seriously a whole weekend event.  On Friday night there was trick or treating along Main St.  This was super PACKED but a ton of fun also. It was a lot of fun to see all the different costumes.  Saturday we went to a school carnival which turned out to be kindof a disapointment but thats okay.  Right before we were headed out to go trick or treating in the neighborhood it started raining....then snowing!! We were sure that had ruined the evening and just as we were going to pull out the craft box it cleared up just enough. So with just a drizzle outside we put on our heavy coats and boots and hats and gloves and got on the 4-wheeler and headed trick or treating. It was so much fun! Then Sunday we had family over for taco soup and treats and the girls passed out candy to all the trick or treaters that came that night.  We watched Charlie Brown and stayed in where it was warm!  This year Kyleigh was 'pumpkin spice' and Kaycie was a fairy. Little Ledger was a peapod.

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