Friday, August 22, 2008

Second Day of School!

I know I'm pathetic! I take pictures for nearly the first week or two. I can't help it they are just so stinkin cute!! Here they are on the second day of school. They each have their own style this year. Kaycie loves skirts and dresses and Kyleigh loves Jeans...Jeans....Jeans!! They loved their First day. They came home with backpacks full of papers for me to sign. I think I should invest in a signature stamp!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The First Day of School!!!

This year both girls are in school. They have been so excited as this day has been approaching. Kyleigh started 2nd grade and Kaycie in morning Kindergarten. Where does the time go???? Seems like they grow so fast!! Kaycie has a wonderful teacher and it is the same one that Kyleigh had in Kindergarten. We are looking forward to meeting Kyleigh's new teacher. I took the day off because I knew there would be tears (mine) ha ha And I wanted to be there to pick them up. So....I'm just waiting for them to get off. Soon I will enjoy the day to myself I'm sure...But for now I'm just counting the minutes till their home!!