Thursday, December 27, 2007

I Just Loooove the Salt Lake City Temple!

OK...seriously I love the Slc Temple. I mean it's sooo amazing to me. I also love The San Diego Temple and the Logan Temple...among all the other beautiful ones!! But there is something about the Salt lake temple that I couldn't just put into words. And come on......How amazing is Temple square especially at Christmas time!!! I love to take pictures of the temples so here are a few that I have done...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

~Christmas Morning~

We started Christmas morning off at our house and let the girls open all their presents before we left for our familes house. I just love their expressions and best of all the Morning bed head!! Our dog, Lexi loved all the wrapping paper and helped create a mess that covered our entire living room and kitchen!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve smells soooo good!

This year I got an early Christmas prestent....a new Kitchen Aide!!!! Woohoo!! We baked and baked and sampled everything and the girls went to bed completely full of sweets! I must say that I have the best helpers ever!

Monday, December 10, 2007


We drove up to Jackson Hole for the day... It was so beautiful. We hit a couple museums including the 'Ripley's Believe it or Not!' Museum. That was definatley a really interesting place. We ate some yummy mexican food and played tourist all day. So fun! I took a zillion pictures of course!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

A New Member of Our Family!!!!!

We have a new member in our family!! ~Ginger~ The sweetest, cuddliest lab around!! The girls were very excited to meet her. I had her hiding in my coat when I came home. She is sooo tiny and barely able to leave her mom but she needed a home and we were happy to share ours. I hope Lexi doesn't get too jealous!