Thursday, December 27, 2007

I Just Loooove the Salt Lake City Temple!

OK...seriously I love the Slc Temple. I mean it's sooo amazing to me. I also love The San Diego Temple and the Logan Temple...among all the other beautiful ones!! But there is something about the Salt lake temple that I couldn't just put into words. And come on......How amazing is Temple square especially at Christmas time!!! I love to take pictures of the temples so here are a few that I have done...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

~Christmas Morning~

We started Christmas morning off at our house and let the girls open all their presents before we left for our familes house. I just love their expressions and best of all the Morning bed head!! Our dog, Lexi loved all the wrapping paper and helped create a mess that covered our entire living room and kitchen!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve smells soooo good!

This year I got an early Christmas prestent....a new Kitchen Aide!!!! Woohoo!! We baked and baked and sampled everything and the girls went to bed completely full of sweets! I must say that I have the best helpers ever!

Monday, December 10, 2007


We drove up to Jackson Hole for the day... It was so beautiful. We hit a couple museums including the 'Ripley's Believe it or Not!' Museum. That was definatley a really interesting place. We ate some yummy mexican food and played tourist all day. So fun! I took a zillion pictures of course!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

A New Member of Our Family!!!!!

We have a new member in our family!! ~Ginger~ The sweetest, cuddliest lab around!! The girls were very excited to meet her. I had her hiding in my coat when I came home. She is sooo tiny and barely able to leave her mom but she needed a home and we were happy to share ours. I hope Lexi doesn't get too jealous!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!

We just love love love Halloween and Fall! This year..after much discussion the girls finally agreed on their costumes. Kaycie is a 'Fairy Witch'. This costume is SO cute and I found it in DC while visiting my brother last month. She looked so adorable in in it! Kyleigh was....Well, the best of both worlds! Hannah Montana AND Miley Cyrus. She wanted the wig for her Hannah moments and she took it off for her Miley moments. Too funny. She preferred to be Miley because the wig was really scratchy but she looked so cute either way! It was such a fun day with the girls!! My friend Becca came with me to take the girls Trick or Treating at the Mall.

Travis is now an outpatient!!

So, Trav is officially an outpatient now! This means that he can go home (The Mologne House) with his wife and daughter and not have to stay in that awful hospital room! He has to go to dr. appts. everyday as well as physical therapy. He stays in his wheelchair most of the day but is able to use a walker as support to get into their car. He is still on a lot of drugs so eventually he will slowly have to come off of them. This is a huge step! I'm so excited! Im so happy for him!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007



Last night Travis got to join Steph and Maddy at the Mologne House! Here is the email I just got from Steph....

So Travis is sleeping in my bed right now! He got to come out on pass tonight to sleep over, and see how the night goes! He is sleeping very peacefully right now, and so is Maddy! Maddy was SOO excited for him to come to the Mologne House! She was jumping on the beds so much, and just chattering away. It was adorable! It has been a hard day. He is getting off of Dilauded and going through minor withdrawals. But tonight he's doing much better! On Friday, we went to a dinner, his second outing! Things went better than the Pentagon, but his wheelchair broke again! Tomorrow he is getting a new one. Maddy ate crab cakes and loved them! That's pretty much all she ate. The dinner was at The National Press Club, and we had very tender T-bone steak! Besides the down pore of rain we had and the broken wheelchair, it was great! That's about it for today. OH, on Sunday, the Primary kids came to see Travis! We all rode in cars and came to the hospital! The Primary Pres' mom-in-law made Trav a blanket with the kids' hand prints on it! The kids sang a song for him, then Trav bore his testimony. The kids thought it was great to come and see the soldier! I have not seen Trav that happy in a long time! I know that this great turn of events has come because of all your prayers and fasting. This is one of those great miracles from God that should inspire us all to believe in Him more. He is there watching over us, all the time. We just need to come to Him and ask for what we need! We love you all, and thanks again! Love, Steph

Friday, October 12, 2007

Update: Trip to the pentagon!

Here is a new update straight from Steph! She also included several pics of their adventure to the Pentagon today. It's great to see Travis out...and Maddy is getting so big! What a cutie pie!

Hey all! Travis, Maddy and I got to go to the Pentagon today! Different organizations sponser trips once and a while, and Travis thought it would be good to venture out! He did very very good. His pain was horrific, it got up to a 9 out of 10, but he did amazing! He finally got to understand what his threshold is! We were gone for 8 hours, out of the hospital, with no IV pain meds! (He takes Dilauded, which is about 6 times more powerful than morphine). I am so proud of how well he did! We will hopefully go every week now to a dinner that another organization sponsers. Attached are some pics of the trip. We got to see the memorial of where the airplane crashed into the pentagon. It was very beautiful, and sacred. But we consider this a great postive step for Travis! Oh yes, and he got to experience DC traffic! It's terrible, horrible, crowded, and mean! Overall, it was a great learning experience! We love you all, and still, thank you so much for your support!!!Love, Steph PS. Maddy was a little angel!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Update: Travis out of ICU Today!

Thank you all so much for your faith and prayers. Travis was discharged from the ICU today AND the docs found out what was wrong! Some of the bacteria from the bone they cleaned out on Tuesday got into his blood stream. They were able to isolate the bacteria and get the right anitbiotics on board. His fever went down, as well as his heart rate, and now he feels so much better.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Update: Travis back in ICU :(

Travis is in the ICU tonight. He has a really high fever, high heart rate, and is just sick. We're not quite sure what is causing it. It could be an infection, virus, or something else. Hopefully tomorrow we'll know more what we're dealing with. Since he's in the ICU, Maddy can only see him for a few minutes a day, which is really hard on both of them. We all really appreciate all the love and prayers that are with us from all of you. Let's just pray that he may have comfort tonight. I know he'll pull through this, it's just a bumpy road to drive along.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Kyleigh's First Week of 1st Grade!!

Oh my Goodness!! Where does the time go?? Kyleigh started 1st grade this week and it has been so awesome for her! She just loves her teacher. Since Kindergarten is just a half day this has been a little bit of an adjustment! Mostly for me because I miss her! But she comes home so thrilled about new things everyday...especially for their class pet, Rocky a Guinea pig! She has a couple of her friends from her Kindergarten class again but has made a lot of new friends. It's going to be a great year for her!! Then next year both girls will be in school and I'm going to need a HUGE box of tissue!! Here are a couple pics from the first week! I know, I'm pathetic lol

Here she is on the first day!! So grown up!!!